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Function Syntaxctx (Copy Text) / stx (Swap Text)
Current Version1.7
View HTML VersionCopySwapTextV1-7.html

Program Description

This program enables a user to copy the text content from a multitude of 'source' objects to a selection of 'destination' objects, or swap the text content between two objects.

To copy text, the program may be called with ctx at the AutoCAD command line. The user may then select either a Text, MText, Attribute, Dimension, or Multileader object and proceed to copy the associated text content to a selection of any of the aforementioned objects.

Re: Lisp to copy mtext to clipboard in one step You're joking right? Using Internet Explorer (htlmfile) to copy something to the clipboard only increases. I have a variable(string) created inside a Lisp Routine. I would like to put in on the Clipboard from within the code so I can Paste it in a third.

The objects to which the text is copied may be selected individually or alternatively, upon selecting the 'Multiple' option, the user may make a selection of multiple objects to which the text string will be copied.

The program also provides functionality to allow the user to switch the text content between two objects. Upon calling the program with the stx command at the command line, the user may select two objects whose text content will be swapped.

If the 'Settings' option is selected when running the program, the user may decide whether formatting overrides present in selected source objects (e.g. formatting which has been applied through the MText Editor) are applied to selected destination objects which permit the use of such formatting.

Example of Copy Functionality (CTx)

Example of Swap Functionality (STx)

Instructions for Running

Please refer to How to Run an AutoLISP Program.

Next: Comparing Text,Previous: Near Point,Up: Text

32.2 Examining Buffer Contents

Cardscan 800c software serial number. This section describes functions that allow a Lisp program toconvert any portion of the text in the buffer into a string.

— Function: buffer-substring start end

This function returns a string containing a copy of the text of theregion defined by positions start and end in the currentbuffer. If the arguments are not positions in the accessible portionof the buffer, buffer-substring signals anargs-out-of-range error.

Here's an example which assumes Font-Lock mode is not enabled:

If the text being copied has any text properties, these are copied intothe string along with the characters they belong to. See Text Properties. However, overlays (see Overlays) in the buffer andtheir properties are ignored, not copied.

For example, if Font-Lock mode is enabled, you might get results likethese:

— Function: buffer-substring-no-properties start end

This is like buffer-substring, except that it does not copy textproperties, just the characters themselves. See Text Properties.

— Function: buffer-string

This function returns the contents of the entire accessible portion ofthe current buffer, as a string.

If you need to make sure the resulting string, when copied to adifferent location, will not change its visual appearance due toreordering of bidirectional text, use thebuffer-substring-with-bidi-context function(see buffer-substring-with-bidi-context).

— Function: filter-buffer-substring start end &optional delete

This function filters the buffer text between start and endusing a function specified by the variablefilter-buffer-substring-function, and returns the result.

The default filter function consults the obsolete wrapper hookfilter-buffer-substring-functions (see the documentation stringof the macro with-wrapper-hook for the details about thisobsolete facility), and the obsolete variablebuffer-substring-filters. If both of these are nil, itreturns the unaltered text from the buffer, i.e., whatbuffer-substring would return.

If delete is non-nil, the function deletes the textbetween start and end after copying it, likedelete-and-extract-region.

Lisp code should use this function instead of buffer-substring,buffer-substring-no-properties,or delete-and-extract-region when copying into user-accessibledata structures such as the kill-ring, X clipboard, and registers. Major and minor modes can modify filter-buffer-substring-functionto alter such text as it is copied out of the buffer.

— Variable: filter-buffer-substring-function

The value of this variable is a function that filter-buffer-substringwill call to do the actual work. The function receives threearguments, the same as those of filter-buffer-substring,which it should treat as per the documentation of that function. Itshould return the filtered text (and optionally delete the source text).

The following two variables are obsoleted byfilter-buffer-substring-function, but are still supported forbackward compatibility.

— Variable: filter-buffer-substring-functions

Startninja 1.0.1 free download for mac windows 7. This obsolete variable is a wrapper hook, whose members should be functionsthat accept four arguments: fun, start, end, anddelete. fun is a function that takes three arguments(start, end, and delete), and returns a string. Inboth cases, the start, end, and delete arguments arethe same as those of filter-buffer-substring.

The first hook function is passed a fun that is equivalent tothe default operation of filter-buffer-substring, i.e., itreturns the buffer-substring between start and end(processed by any buffer-substring-filters) and optionallydeletes the original text from the buffer. In most cases, the hookfunction will call fun once, and then do its own processing ofthe result. The next hook function receives a fun equivalent tothis, and so on. The actual return value is the result of all thehook functions acting in sequence.

— Variable: buffer-substring-filters

The value of this obsolete variable should be a list of functionsthat accept a single string argument and return another string. The default filter-buffer-substring function passes the buffersubstring to the first function in this list, and the return value ofeach function is passed to the next function. The return value of thelast function is passed to filter-buffer-substring-functions.

— Function: current-word &optional strict really-word

This function returns the symbol (or word) at or near point, as astring. The return value includes no text properties.

If the optional argument really-word is non-nil, it finds aword; otherwise, it finds a symbol (which includes both wordcharacters and symbol constituent characters).

If the optional argument strict is non-nil, then pointmust be in or next to the symbol or word—if no symbol or word isthere, the function returns nil. Otherwise, a nearby symbol orword on the same line is acceptable.

— Function: thing-at-point thing &optional no-properties

Return the thing around or next to point, as a string.

The argument thing is a symbol which specifies a kind of syntacticentity. Possibilities include symbol, list, sexp,defun, filename, url, word, sentence,whitespace, line, page, and others.

When the optional argument no-properties is non-nil, thisfunction strips text properties from the return value.