суббота 08 февраля

Official account Wa: 20 Fb: Alwi Djener Al Zaqhino Ig: @Alwidj.

Materi Passive Voice

Passive voice merupakan bentuk gramatikal dimana subject kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agentBelbin team roles test. lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak.

10 Contoh Soal Passive Voice

Pilihlah kata-kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

  1. Potatoes, black beans and chesnuts … raw.

    1. were rarely consumed
    2. are rarely consumed
  2. Fio … by one of the waitress now.

    1. is being served
    2. is served
  3. The new member enjoys … into our support group.

    1. being received
    2. be received
  4. You … if you meet the minimum requirements for this job.

    1. would be contacted
    2. will be contacted
  5. Nothing … except his credit card.

    1. has been stolen
    2. has stolen
  6. The buildings … of marble and granite.

    1. were made
    2. was made
  7. A negative anonymous letter … on my car this morning.

    1. was left
    2. is left
  8. … with all my stories?

    1. did you bored
    2. were you bored
  9. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia … by the Committee for Examination of Indonesian Independence and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence.

    1. were written
    2. was written
  10. I want to know why a woman prefers … by a man.

    1. to managed
    2. to be managed


  1. Potatoes, black beans and chesnuts … raw.

    1. were rarely consumed
    2. are rarely consumed
    are rarely consumed Merupakan bentuk pasif dari simple present tense: is/am/are + past participle.
    Pelaku aksi (tidak disebutkan) merujuk kepada orang secara umum.
  2. Fio … by one of the waitress now.

    1. is being served
    2. is served
    is being served Bentuk pasif dari present continuous tense: is/am/are + being + present participle
  3. The new member enjoys … into our support group.

    1. being received
    2. be received
    being received bentuk pasif dari gerund: being + past participle
  4. You … if you meet the minimum requirements for this job.

    1. would be contacted
    2. will be contacted
    will be contacted Bentuk pasif dari simple future tense pada conditional sentence type 1: will + be + past participle
  5. Nothing … except his credit card.

    1. has been stolen
    2. has stolen
    has been stolen bentuk pasif dari present perfect tense: has/have + been + present participle
  6. The buildings … of marble and granite.

    1. were made
    2. was made
    were made bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle
  7. A negative anonymous letter … on my car this morning.

    1. was left
    2. is left
    was left bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle
  8. … with all my stories?

    1. did you bored
    2. were you bored
    were you bored Versi active voice-nya: Did I bore you with all my stories?
  9. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia … by the Committee for Examination of Indonesian Independence and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence.

    1. were written
    2. was written
    was written bentuk pasif dari simple past tense: was/were + past participle
  10. I want to know why a woman prefers … by a man.

    1. to managed
    2. to be managed
    to be managed bentuk pasif dari infinitive: (to) be + past participle

Materi Passive Voice

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  1. Active Voice to Passive Voice Transformations. http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/blgrquiz_passive1.htm. Accessed on November 27, 2013.
  2. The Passive Voice. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/passive.htm. Accessed on March 6, 2013.
  3. The Passive. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv65.shtml. Accessed on March 6, 2013.
  4. Active/Passive Voice. http://www.towson.edu/ows/activepass.htm. Accessed on March 6, 2013.